Essential Navigation and Seamanship On-line

It covers the theory required for small boat owners and people who wish to undertake their International Certificate of Competence (ICC) Practical assessment, by looking at subjects such as parts of the boat, collision regulations, position fixing, course to steer, weather, safety and much more.

When sailing in foreign countries, the ICC is the proof you need to show a minimum qualification. This course includes animated diagrams on how to berth in varying wind conditions for both motor and sail. Man overboard recovery under motor and sail. Turning in a confined space under motor and sail.

Top 10 reasons to take the online course

1. Flexibility – anytime, anywhere, at your own speed
2. Suitable for all – new crews through to budding skippers
3. Safety Essentials – all the essential knowledge for going afloat
4. Simplicity – easy to use, interactive, and full of great graphics
5. Supporting your knowledge – an ideal accompaniment to your practical course
6. Stepping stone – a great starting point for more advanced courses
7. Real skills – use real skills alongside online technology
8. Best advice – written by top RYA instructors, created by award-winning designers
9. Learn it, try it, test it – practice what you’ve learned before taking the test
10. Be part of it – the RYA’s 1st fully interactive online course

The Course aims to introduce the basic concepts of inshore navigation and safety in an easy to understand and enjoyable format. During the course you will be introduced to the basics of navigation including tidal awareness, charts, almanacs and the use of electronic navigation aids such as GPS. You will be taught about harbour entry and departure pilotage including knowledge of buoyage and a basic understanding of the Collision Regulations so you know who has right of way! Time will also be spent looking at sources of weather information and what impact this could have on your passage. Toward the end of the course, you will put all this information together to plan an actual passage. You will also learn more about what safety equipment you should carry and how it is used.

You are also welcome to come along to our free drop-in sessions at our base here at St. Thomas More Catholic Academy to help with any of the trickier stuff.

If you think this is for you then you can watch a short video of the On-line Course here

Purchase and access the online course is simple! As all you need to do is Book On-line using the link below, you can then Pay On-line and we will send you your course pack, supporting information (by post), and log-in details (by email) to get you started.

Please allow 5 days for delivery.

Once you have received your course pack you can then log onto our RYA Interactive site here using your User name and Password and work through the exercises at your own pace, with the knowledge that support should you need it is just a click or a phone call away.